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Monday, December 10, 2012

How do i get notified when i accidently hit Caps Lock

I hit my stupid Caps Lock key all the time on accident, but I know there are alarms and such I can turn on to notify me. How do I do this?

Don’t you hate it when you accidentally hit the Caps Lock key? Sometimes I have a whole sentence typed in before I realize my mistake! (I know, GASP!)
What if you could set your computer up so it alerts you when your pinky finger wanders off and taps the Caps Lock key? With this tip, I’ll show you how to make your computer beep & flash the next time it happens.
The first thing you’ll need to do is get the computer to beep when you hit the Caps Lock key. Here’s how:
XP Users, hit the Start button, Control Panel. Open the Accessibility Options Icon.
- Nishad S S

The Case Of The Missing Wi-Fi Password

My brother-in-law cannot remember the password for his wireless router so I am unable to connect my laptop when we visit.

What can he do so that I can connect?
Because your router controls all the settings in your wireless network, (from parental controls to security options), a password is installed by the manufacturer to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the device. If you ever need to change any of these settings, you first need to know the proper password or access to the router will be blocked. Changing the router’s password is handled by opening its settings menu through any computer connected to your network. Keep in mind that your router’s menu screen may appear slightly different from the images below, as the menu layout for routers varies between manufacturers and even models.
While this article covers how to change the administration password for accessing your router’s settings, it doesn’t explain how to change the password for connecting a computer to your wireless network. If you need to change the security password used by your network, check out my previous article here.
The router’s settings menu is accessible by typing the device’s IP address into the address bar at the top of your web browser. Most routers automatically default to the IP address “,” but a few instead use the address “” Your router’s installation software may have also placed an icon on your desktop that lets you automatically navigate to the setting’s menu login screen if you don’t know the device’s IP address.
Router IP Address
After typing the IP address into the address bar, a new box will appear asking for your router’s administrative user name and password. Type these into the appropriate text boxes and click “OK.”
Router Password
If you don’t know the current password and type in the wrong text, your router may display an image letting you know about the problem and explaining how to reset the password back to its original default setting.
Your router contains a button on the back side that is used to manually reset all the device’s options in case you get locked out of the setting’s menu by forgetting the password. Turn your router around and look either for a small button labeled “Reset,” or instead for a small unlabeled hole. Press and hold the reset button, if one is present, for ten to fifteen seconds to reset the router’s password. If your router instead has an unmarked hole, unfold a paper clip and slide the edge of the clip into the hole for ten to fifteen seconds.
Navigate to your router’s IP address again and type the default user name and password for the device in the text boxes. Most routers use “admin” and “password” as the default user name and password, respectively. If “admin” and “password” don’t give you access to the settings menu, check your router’s manual or the support website for your specific router model to find the default username and password.
After successfully entering the user name and password, your web browser may give you the option to remember these settings so you don’t get locked out later. Click the “Remember Password” button in the pop-up window to save your router’s password for future use.
If you don’t want to use the default password, your router gives you the option to set your own administrative password. After accessing the settings menu, navigate to the “Advanced” tab located near the top of the screen.
The Advanced Tab
Click the “Administration” heading at the lower-left corner of the window and then select the “Set Password” option.
Not all routers feature an “Advanced” tab or set the “Administration” link in a separate tab. In this alternate router menu layout, the “Administration” tab is generally located at the top-right corner of the window near headings labeled “Security” or “Status.” Some Belkin routers also feature a completely different layout and place the router password screen in another menu location. For these routers, click the “System Settings” link underneath the “Utilities” heading at the left side of the window and then select “Change Password.”
The Administration Tab
Type the default password in the “Old Password” text box and then type your new password in both the “New Password” and “Retype New Password” boxes. Click the “Apply” button, which may instead be labeled “Save Changes” with some routers, to save your newly picked password.
Setting The New Password

-- Nishad S S

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Top 4 Efficient Methods to Reset Windows 7 Password Instantly

As Windows 7 has occupied a high market share, more and more Windows 7 PC users are bothered by forgot Windows 7 password. Indeed, a forgot administrator password in Windows 7 is never a pleasant thought. Therefore, how to reset Windows 7 password has turned into a universal problem.

Method one : Reset windows 7 admin password with Ophcrack

Time: More than 2 hours
Recommend: ★

Official Website: Ophcrack

Ophcrack is a famous and free Windows password recovery software. The big disadvantage of ophcrack is the large ISO file. The 496Mb file takes a while to download, what is more, can you image how hard to burn such large file to a blank CD? It will enlarge unsuccessful rate. But once you succeed in burning a bootable CD, it will take only minutes to recover your lost Windows password.

Method Two: Reset windows 7 admin password with Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

Time: More than 1 hour for a new user
Recommend: ★★

Official Website: Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

The Offline NT Password & Registry Editor is one of the fastest free Windows password reset tool. It will remove Windows 7 password instead of recovering the Windows password like ophcrack.

The ISO file is only 3 Mb. So there is no problem to download or burn this file.
But what slows down the whole Windows 7 password reset process is the DOS based interface which is inconvenient. Sometimes, I even don’t know what to put in. So if you are a newbie with computer, it might take you a while to reset Windows 7 password with Offline NT Password & Registry Editor.

Method three: Reset windows 7 admin password with Windows Password Unlocker

Time: 5 Minute!
Recommend: ★★★★

As an easy method to recover the forgot Win 7 password, there are only four steps as follow:

Step1: Download Windows Password Unlocker and install it.
Step2: Burn the ISO image file onto a blank CD/DVD.
Step3: Boot up your Windows 7 PC by the bootable burned CD/DVD in minutes.
Step4: Remove the forgot Windows 7 password on the operation interface and logon PC without password.

Posted by : Nishad S S

How to reset your Windows password using Ubuntu

Resetting your Windows password is as easy as resetting your Ubuntu password. What you need is a bootable Ubuntu system (ie. USB, CD or anything) and software called chntpw

Please find the steps o reset your Windows password below.

1. # Boot from your bootable device (Ubuntu Live Session)

Shutdown your computer and boot up using your bootable system. So you run Ubuntu on Live Session that means you run your system without install it!

2. # Set your repository

Goto Synaptic Package Manager -> Settings -> Repositories -> Ubuntu Software and check the “Software restricted by copyright or legal issues” checkbox. And don’t forget to reload synaptic.

3. # Install CHNTPW
Install from Synaptic Package Manager or use this command on shell:

sudo apt-get install chntpw
4. # Resetting Windows password
# Mount your “Windows installed” device

It’s depending on your system, example:

sudo mkdir /media/WINDOWS
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/WINDOWS
On my system Windows installed on /dev/sda1 and I want to mount it to /media/WINDOWS that I’ve created before.

# Goto your Windows system configuration folder

Located at [WINDOWS_DEVICE]/WINDOWS/system32/config/:

cd /media/WINDOWS/WINDOWS/system32/config/
# Cracking the SAM file

There a SAM file on Windows system configuration folder. That’s the file we’re looking for. Let’s crack it

chntpw SAM
And if you see the output similar with image below, it’s mean you can crack the SAM file.

As you see, there are 5 choices. Just type “1″ and press “ENTER” to reset your password.

Posted by : Nishad S S

My pen drive has the data but not showing

How to Open the Hidden Files in a USB Pen Drive

While in DOS did you do a dir on the drive ? Then CD on those directories and dir to see what sub directories exist ? 
SAFE MODE WITH COMMAND PROMPT ( well it is not necessary but you should ), goto command prompt and write these commands. 

1. dir/ah ( list all hidden file/dir ) 
2. attrib -h -s -r -a *.* ( will make all of your file/dir visible ) 

go and find all your file/directories using Windows Explorer, copy wherever you want. 

Usually when virus hide files and it also remove folder options it is much difficult to get the files quickly if one is in hurry, although such virus can be removed manually (ReadRemove EXE virus manually) ;
But I’m going to tell the the way in which you can UN-hide all the hidden files by on single command.
To apply this command follow the following steps
go to Start > Run > type cmd
Dos will open type cd.. (two to three time until only drive letter left)
ScreenShot00029 Unhide Files By Single Dos Command
now type the drive letter in which you want to Unhide the files lets suppose in my case its F:
this will open the F: drive
Now type the following command attrib -r -a -s -h *.*
ScreenShot00031 Unhide Files By Single Dos Command
Press enter this command will un-hide all the hidden files in Drive F even its portablememory stick or usual hard disk
Note: This assumes g is the pen drive letter - Unhides all files on g: 

attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.*

Posted by Nishad S S

Sunday, October 21, 2012

iPad – Dot What?

It’s impressive the stuff you can do just by tapping and holding something on your iDevice. Take for example the other day when I was browsing around in Safari and accidentally held the “.com” key on the keyboard.
I got options for .net, .edu, .org, and even .us!
Just tap and hold the “.com” key and you’re good to go!
Give it a try next time you’re browsing – I’m sure it’ll save you some time! Works on other iDevices, too!

--- Nishad S S

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Why not just reinstall from the “D” drive for Vista or Win 7. The “D” drive has a copy of the system as it existed when it came from the factory – doesn’t it?

I did not get any set up disks when I purchased my HP with Win 7 on it a year ago. I was told that the vendors now use the “D” in place of disks.
Why not? It’s probably the easiest way to do it, and the vendors who told you that computer manufacturers are now using a partition, called a “restore partition” on your hard drive to restore now rather than optical discs are correct. Probably the most important reason for this (from the manufacturer’s point of view) is that it costs less to use a restore partition than it does to manufacture optical discs. The reason that it’s good for us as computer users is because we frequently lose our restore discs. I can’t speak for anyone else, but the only way that I’ve really been able to keep track of them is when HP produced a PC that had a storage area for them on the computer case itself.
Here’s how you restore from a restore partition. Be sure to back your computer up before you do this. Odds are that you’ll be able to do what’s called a “non-destructive” restore that will allow you to keep all of your files intact, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
You’ll want to check and make sure that your computer includes a restore partition. All HPs and Dells manufactured within about the past five years or so include them, as do most other computers these days. You do this by clicking START and then COMPUTER. What you’re looking for is labeled “restore” or “recovery”.
Next, click START and then enter “recovery” into the search box. Click on RECOVERY MANAGER.
When you run the recovery manager, you’ll see a screen that looks something like the following. This is an HP screen, so if your machine is a different manufacturer, it may look different, but the options should be virtually identical.
If one of the original programs that came with your computer has become corrupt, you use SOFTWARE PROGRAM REINSTALLATION. MICROSOFT SYSTEM RESTORE will close the recovery manager and launch Microsoft’s system restore program to fix broken Windows. The final option here is REALLY the final option. SYSTEM RECOVERY is for when your system has become hopelessly corrupt and you need to start from scratch.
COMPUTER CHECKUP will check your system for errors and problems. If you’re not sure what’s wrong, this might be a good place to start.
RECOVERY MEDIA CREATION is for those who have a hard time leaving the 20th century and are just not comfortable unless they have a disc to lose. All kidding aside, this is a way to create external restore media, which should then be secured somewhere climate and moisture controlled where you won’t lose or forget them, just in case something happens to your recovery partition. In other words, total hard drive failure or destruction. RECOVER REPORT is pretty self-explanatory. I’m not entirely sure why the REMOVE RESTORE PARTITION option exists. If you’re that hard up for hard drive space, it might be time to invest in a larger hard drive.
I hope that this helps!

-----Nishad S S

Just rebuilt from attack. Now on Windows 7. Could you please do step by step to back up entire system to external HD with win 7? I used NTbackup on XP, but not sure how to do on win 7.

Hi all, You all will be glad to hear that backing up your entire system is easier with Windows 7 than it was with NT. Here is a quick rundown of all that you will need to do:
1. First, you need to launch the Windows 7 Backup and Restore utility. You can do that by clicking the Start button and typing ‘backup and restore‘ into the search bar, or by going to the Control Panel, selecting System and Security, and then Backup and Restore.
2. If you have never run a backup before, click the link on the top right that says Set up backup.
3. The next window that opens asks you to choose a location for your system backup, so select your external hard drive from the choices you are given. Just make sure that your external drive is big enough for a full backup. If it isn’t, Windows will warn you before proceeding. Click Next to continue.
You will be glad to hear that backing up your entire system is easier with Windows 7 than it was with NT. Here is a quick rundown of all that you will need to do:
1. First, you need to launch the Windows 7 Backup and Restore utility. You can do that by clicking the Start button and typing ‘backup and restore‘ into the search bar, or by going to the Control Panel, selecting System and Security, and then Backup and Restore.
2. If you have never run a backup before, click the link on the top right that says Set up backup.
3. The next window that opens asks you to choose a location for your system backup, so select your external hard drive from the choices you are given. Just make sure that your external drive is big enough for a full backup. If it isn’t, Windows will warn you before proceeding. Click Next to continue.
Select backup drive

 ------ Nishad S S

What’s the Windows “Registry?”

Basically, the Windows Registry is a database used to store system and program settings.
Here’s what it looks like:

So, for an example, let’s say a particular program gives you the option of setting its font. You select a font on its font selection screen and hit OK. When you hit the OK button, *most* kinds of software will make an entry into the registry. Next time you run the program, it retrieves the information you set, in this case the font style.
Yeah, that’s a bit of an over-simplification, so just in case, here’s the Wikipedia entry for those who want to delve a little further.

---- Nishad S S

Computer Has a Black Screen in Windows and Will Not Boot or Start Up

Rarely do I come across a problem with a computer that I cannot diagnose, however when a computer has a black screen in windows it can stump me sometimes. Acomputer black screen on start up is a challenge for me and I always try to trouble shoot the problem manually, without using those fancy programs, because I believe it is the only way to learn.
There are two types of computer black screens that can appear in Windows. One where the computer will not boot up but you have a beep sequence sounding to let you know what the problem could be, and the other has nothing at all. No beeps, no cursor, no logo screen, and no choice to boot to safe mode or access the bios.
If your computer will not boot up and you get a beep sequence, I am not saying it is good news, however it is a step in the right direction towards solving this problem. This is a message from your computer that can be understood by looking up your bios (the brand) beep code. For example you may have an Award Bios, Ami Bios, Phoenix BIOS, Compaq, Dell, or Acer Bios. This list goes on and on.  You can search for Bios beep codes in Google. Here is an example of results in Google search Search results for “bios beep codes”
If you heard a single beep, then the computer posted, and the CPU is OK. POST=Power On Self Test A procedure the computer goes through on starting to ensure all is well.
When your computer has a black screen in windows, and absolutely nothing else, this is where the challenge begins. Sometimes the fans and the CPU seems to be running.
When this happens to me, I have an instant advantage as I have a replacement part for basically any computer component at my fingertips. I also have a magic boot disc that repairs missing files on my hard drive and will boot up any computer, fix and install Windows easy. If you do not have any of these tools then you will need to try and find the errors manually.

Common things that can happen when your computer has a black screen in Windows:

  • When the computer will not boot up, it sound like it is booting as the CPU fan is running and the lights are on. It also finds the CD ROM but it won’t boot from a CD either.
  • Sometimes when you have a computer black screen on startup and the power switch light will be green and then turns to orange or amber. Everything is running.
  • Everything seems to be running but you can’t see anything on the screen, not even a flashing cursor. Your black screen in Windows has occurred before the Windows logo screen.
computer black screen

Some common causes of a computer black screen in Windows:

I have to be honest, there are literally hundred’s of reasons why your computer might have a black screen. Hopefully your problem will be something relatively basic.
If you see the screen that tells you your computer had an error, do not choose to start normally, choose to start in safe mode now. See what is safe mode. This is your chance to go the safe way. Many people rush and press to start Windows normally and sometimes this causes a serious problem. 

Where is your Monitor plugged in? “My computer screen is black”

The first and most obvious reason for a computer appearing to run but you cannot see the video is the monitor. A common mistake is to plug the monitor into the on-board video plug when you actually have a PCI or AGP video card installed. Trust me I have done this myself. Simply move the plug to the correct position. If you see two blue monitor plugs at the back of the computer or even a blue plug and a HDMI port then try using a different plug.
Obviously you should also check to see if the monitor plugged is actually in firmly. It could have been knocked out if it was not correctly positioned in the first place. This is the simplest computer black screen you can get.

Failing Display adapter or video card can cause a black screen in windows:

Most of the time you can tell if your computer video card is deteriorating by seeing little tell tale signs. Lines appearing or flashing can sometimes occur, however sometimes nothing happens at all. You might turn your computer on and have the dreaded black screen. You can try removing your video card and using onboard video, or replacing the video card to see if that is the problem.
People often also see a computer black screen when they have plugged their computer into a different monitor or even a TV where the screen resolution is not compatible. If it is a simple black screen on your computer it can also be a simple problem to fix, but unfortunately people do not realize this problem and start troubleshooting, which actually gives the computer are serious black screen. When I know that my computer is showing a black screen on my Windows computer and I know that I have just connected it to a different monitor, I immediately restart and press F8. This will take me to the the menu where I will choose enable VGA mode or something similar.

The next reason the computer will not boot up is RAM…or memory:

This can be the cause when your computer has a black screen in Windows.
If your memory is not seated properly (not in), is damaged, or even absent altogether, this can cause a black screen.
  1. If you have no memory installed at all, some computers make no sounds and just show a black screen on startup. Other computers go crazy and beep their head off. I am an expert at this one, as I build so my computers.
  2. When your computer gets a black screen only sometimes, it usually means your ram is on the way out..For example if you boot your computer and it doesn’t work, then go back an hour later, and it does work, your memory is playing up. You can try taking the ram out, gently cleaning it with an antistatic cloth, and replacing it. This may solve your problem. If it does not, then you should try running your computer with another compatible stick of ram installed.
If you plan to open your computer case and remove the ram please read these articles on how to open computer cases safely and Upgrade Memory

Black screen on startup with an amber flashing light

A flashing amber light along with your black screen on startup can be a few things.
  1. Not enough power getting to the motherboard.
  2. A dead power supply.
  3. A bent pin or shorted out USB port causing a problem.

Computer black screen after installing new hardware

Often when computer users install hardware in order to upgrade their own computers they run into problems. If you have just performed an upgrade and then get a black screen, the answer is obvious. Some hardware components may not be compatible with the others in your system. And of course there is always the risk of static electricity damaging your components when you are not an experienced computer repair person.
You might just be installing a new piece of RAM but the best way to troubleshoot this is to go back to where you started from. Always start from the beginning. If your computer was working and you installed something, then take it back out. Think about what you are doing and try again.
This has nothing to with getting a black screen in Windows, as sometimes you have not even installed Windows yet. The hardware must be compatible together and also must be installed correctly.

Leaving a bootable usb flash drive connected to your computer

Yes this can confuse your computer and it won’t know where to boot up. When your computer has a black screen on startup from doing this and you realize this is the problem and remove the USB, the computer just continues to boot normally..this sometimes happens because a computer sometimes recognizes a USB as a CD drive and tries to boot to it. This is the easiest cause of a black screen in Windows as you can simply just take it out and restart your computer.

Corrupting the Boot Sector

A black screen on startup can be so many things! I have learned this lesson the hard way. Never turn off the computer when it is half way through the boot procedure. Even when it is taking forever, or having a major problem you must let it run through if possible. Interrupting it once may be ok, but twice or three times is a no no. After you have carelessly restarted and shutdown a few times the black screen may appear. But this time it may be beyond repair for the average computer user. How to repair a damaged boot sector by replacing the master boot record (MBR) in Windows XP

Black screen on startup – Your CPU is not correctly seated

If your computer has a black screen after transporting one place to another, this is the first place I look. Transporting a working computer, and then not working with a black screen = dislodging the CPU. You can fix this easily by removing the CPU fan and carefully replacing it back in its spot. You may also have to replace some thermal paste between the cpu and heat sink as it stops the cpu from overheating. Be very careful not to bend any pins when dealing with your computer CPU.

Keyboard Faulty

This one surprised me because when there is a problem with the keyboard the computer still boots and says that there is no keyboard detected on the screen. Well this didn’t happen for me. I had a keyboard with a bent pin on the cable, so when it was plugged into the computer, it just plugged in normally. Then the computer black screen on startup appeared, you could here it starting up but no posting beeps, no display, nothing. I even swapped monitors around until finally I tested the keyboard and found the bent pin. I never thought to look there because of the usual default message that appears on the screen when there is something wrong with your keyboard. This is why having a black screen in Windows as a crazy amount of causes and solutions. I really did not expect this one to come out of the woodwork.

Corrupted User Account – Computer Boots to Black Screen

If you have logged into Windows, so you actually saw the login screen, then logged into Windows, this can mean a few different things. One is that it can be a corrupted user account. In this case it would be handy to have another user account to login to. Then you would be able to tell straight away if that was the problem or not. If you can log into another account you will be able to access the corrupted user account through the main hard drive which is usually called C: drive. You will see a folder called “users” and then there will be another folder for the actual username.
If you are using windows XP than the files are in the Document and Settings section.

Notes relating to your computer black screen in Windows:

More options when dealing with a black screen:

Buy the Ebook “Recover Your Computer From a Black Screen” only $7..
black screen on startup
We also have a Tips4pc forum where you can chat with others that have the same problem.
get help - computer has a black screen
If your computer has a black screen, please research your possible problem and be patient as fixing this error is usually left to the experts.
I really hope that your computer black screen has been caused by something simple and is a problem that you can fix quickly without too much stress.
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